With regard to the Clerk's acceptance of facsimile (fax) filings, below is the policy of the Clerk of Court:
In accordance with La. R.S. 13:850, the Clerk of Court will accept fax filings in civil matters. The filing party must receive a receipt of transmission from the Clerk of Court before the filing is deemed complete. The filing will have no force and effect unless the filing party forwards the original of the pleading within seven days, exclusive of holidays, after the fax filing is transmitted. It will also have no force and effect unless the filing party pays his filing fee and fax transmission fee.
In accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 14.1 (A):
"A. Any pleading or document filed in response to a traffic or criminal action may be filed with the court by facsimile transmission if permitted by the policy of the clerk of court...."
The Clerk of Court will not accept facsimile (fax) filings in criminal matters.
There is no law that directs the Clerk's acceptance of facsimile transmissions in non-support matters. The Clerk of Court will not accept facsimile (fax) filing in non-support matters.
There is no law that directs the Clerk's acceptance of facsimile transmissions in juvenile matters. The Clerk of Court will not accept facsimile (fax) filings in juvenile matters.